I promised that I would write on my Substack account. I think that I am doing that. This is sort of like standing at the edge of canyon and shouting “Hello!”, expecting to hear the echo of what I said. If no one is listening …reading…What a strange thing to think about.
There is one comment I meant to follow up on and that was in regard to the American Woodcock. This bird showed up on my Merlin app for the first time in the recent past. When I sought some information about it the list of names that it goes by is pretty long. It is sometimes “colloquially referred to as” the timberdoodle, mudbat, bogsucker, night partridge , Labrador twister, hokumpoke, and the mudsnipe. I think that the writers of Monte Python got busy playing with Wikipedia on this one. The information I read also noted that this bird can bust some moves when walking, has a pretty cool ritual flight for mating purposes, and its eyes are almost set in the back of its head.
So the next time you want to hurl a few insults consider shouting at that other driver what a mudbat they must be! Obviously their eyes are in the back of their head because they weren’t looking forward and if they drove any slower they could be mistaken as a timberdoodle in heat.
I’m sticking with Brown-headed Cowbird as my favorite avian insult.
"Hello!" Right back! I can't thank you enough for bringing names like timberdoodle and bogsucker and hokumpoke into my awareness. I love it!!